We do not offer discount or voucher codes as we always work to a 'One Price, Best Price' pricing policy. We have a very simple pricing policy here at The Furniture Market. The price you see is always the lowest possible price guaranteed, we do not inflate our prices to offer discounts or false sale prices like the other well-known oak furniture retailers. Do not trust any websites offering discount vouchers for us as we do offer them.
On our checkout you will see a voucher code field but this for purchased gift voucher codes to be applied. For example if you wanted to purchase a £25 / £50 gift voucher for a friend then please call us on 01829759259 and we will be able to provide you with a Gift voucher code for your purchase value so you can give it as a gift.
Do you offer discount for large orders?
No we always offer our lowest price at all times regardless of the amount of items that you order. Unlike many other retailers we do not inflate our prices simply to be able to offer a discount or sale price. We believe in honest and transparent pricing and have a 'One Price, Best Price' Policy. This means the price you see is always our best and lowest price. We monitor competitor prices carefully and always price our products at below market price (on quality equivalent products) so you can be rest assured you are getting a great deal at all times.
Do you offer 'refer a friend' discount?
While we are very grateful for the recommendation we do not offer discounts for referring a friend as we work to a 'one price, best price' pricing policy. We want to keep things simple and always offer all our customers quality furniture at the very best price all year round. This is why you won't see never ending sales on our website.
Do you price match?
As we design and manufacture most of our products and already offer the lowest price we are unable offer a price match to another retailer selling a similar item. A similar looking product may not always be the same quality as its what's on the inside that really counts. If you would like to check then please email us at: info@thefurnituremarket.co.uk with all the price match information.
What does 'Price Freeze' mean?
From time to time we will lock down prices and show a price freeze banner at the bottom of our website. This means all prices will be frozen and won’t change within this time period. Therefore you can be rest assured that if you need time to consider your purchase or do a final measure up that the price won’t change during the advertised period.